Monday, May 23, 2011


Many,have a habit of complaining about the little shortcomings in their lives,if ever they are asked about their life.Complaining about how boring or monotonous, their life has got,or just whining about the petty happenings,in their daily lives,for it might seem a pain,to them.

But the pains or the complains,they might be mentioning,is actually something,i would love to be,enduring So,.whenever i am ever confronted with this remark,I simply,react,with a smile.

The other reason for my  gesture,could be better understood,with my perspective,that i like to see things in the broader context that,"It could have been, a lot,worse"Personally my life,after my accident,has been a tough one,where the words monotonous and boring,would just be an understatement,to describe it .But i seldom, or never whine about it,rather if asked, would just reply,am good or great

My life would be far from,even being normal,But my reply,is because of my true understanding of this fact.And ,it stops me from complaining about my life,even when in reality, it must be totally opposite

The only time i may have felt complaining about life,was more than 3-4  years ago,but then i was really reeling in the effects of acute depression,as an aftermath to my accident,That was also the phase, where nothing made sense,and just tried to find reasons to be unhappy about,.But now,when those effects have faded off,I no more look for reasons,to be unhappy,but on the contrary, to be happy, and smile

My new perspective,is greatly influenced by what I have seen,in the not so distant past,in my life,.But,majorly because of the realization that,things could have been a lot worse

Which,according to me,if one truly applies this understanding,to their lives,Then one could also be more appreciative,of the very-very small things or achievements,in our lives,that we choose to oversee,For we might see them as a gift

This is also the reason,I don't curse the fact, that I have to put up with this very  tough & difficult ordeals, on a daily basis,.or for the so many frustrations i have within me,for these past 5 years.Because,i have embraced this reasoning,to the heart,and see the troubles as a gift

When one is more appreciative of the pains in one's life,and may see them as a gift,Life,would seem more joyous,than it ever was

And from my faint memories,of my normal LIFE.I know,it is not an experience worth, missing..:)

                                                                  - LOVE LIFE


  1. Deeps, it took me awhile to truly understand all the blessings in my life due to depression. Looking at my life now I can see that God has blessed me so many times that I must have been blind to be depressed at all. All I can say is Amen to you for this Blog for helping keep me grounded,and remembering that things aren't really as bad as I think they are.

    Your Friend,

  2. yup shawn,the perspective one looks at situations,may hold the key,making one more appreciative of life as a whole...

    i am believer that,things may not be as bad,as they might seem....GOD BLESS..:)

  3. Hey Deepak, been a while since I've read your blog. But looks like you've been improving every day. Good going. Great post. Really, we all fail to acknowledge how we have so many things going for us , how we have so many things to be thankful for. We keep fretting over the teeny weeny things that go wrong. Gandhi said whenever you think you are in a really bad situtation, think of people worse off than you and then you'll realize how blessed you are. Similar sentiment there.

  4. hey hi freespirit....been a long while,for sure....yup,to truly be appreciative of the blessings one is bestowed with a person ,worse off than could the words of that "great man" be wrong.....:)
